Sunday 9 May 2010


I don't know one girl that doesn't dream about the perfect beginning middle and end. Speaking on behalf of myself I can safely say I expect cuddles, kisses, affection, support and happiness as a basic base for a relationship. I always sit and dream about a lover bringing me flowers randomly, us running on a beach laughing so hard and falling about being happy in each others arms.(typical film/romantic scenes) I dream that one day my life will be like a film full of love, happiness and someone who will tell me I'm gorgeous when I'm not made up, someone who will grab my hand and drag me into the rain and kiss me, just because he can... I dream one day my "Mr. Right" will come and make my life perfect. We watch all these films where the men are "perfect" "amazing" "dreamy" etc etc films such as the notebook, dear john, Twilight, p.s I Love You, Love Actually.... to name a few. Am I wrong to want that? Am I stupid to expect that? Can life ever mimic the films? Is there any men out there who are gorgeous and perfect at the same time? Is there such a thing as "perfect" ? We all have imperfections right? Is it wrong to think fairy tales do exist...

I did a little research using a simple dictionary...

A tiny imaginary being in human form.

a falsehood; lie.
a rumor or piece of gossip, often malicious or untrue.



1. a story about fairies; told to amuse children
2. an interesting but highly implausible story; often told as an excuse

I dont know wether i have just answered my own question with one simple search. But i would like to know what everyone else thinks. So ill leave the question "open for debate" ....

Do Fairytales Exist? Is There Ever The Happy Ending We All Dream Of? Or Is Life Too "Normal" For The Film Ending We Want?

Friday 7 May 2010


JEAN CHARLES DE CASTELBAJAC is a designer who is from Morocco, i think some of his work is inspirational, and some is whacky! I love the mixture! The two images above are from his s/s 2010 collection and for me they stood out from all the rest. The second image is easier to wear day to day whereas The first image i would say is more GAGA! which leads me to my next image...

These are Jean Charles De Castelbajac a/w 2010. This kermit cape caused a lot of controversy but if there is anyone made for Jean Charles De Castelbajac collection's Lady GaGa is definatly the one!

Thursday 6 May 2010


where does yours come from?

I've been looking around for inspiration just at pictures, quotes, magazines, people...the world! ha ha ... I actually think motivation and inspiration come under the same sort of category. You need to feel inspired which will motivate you and to get motivation you need to find inspiration. That probably makes so much more sense in my head!
I would say i get inspired by tonnes of things. Although i would have to say that one of my biggest inspirations is my dad, i know he doesn't feel as loved as he probably should. I love him so much and it was him who sparked my passion for fashion. From a young age he inspired me to shop! THANK YOU!!! and by doing that he got me interested in fashion. He is definitely someone i learn a lot from and i would say lots of my traits are the same as his. I used to be reckless with money and now i am a complete saver. That's exactly like him. (to name one!) I want to do well and prove to him his daughter is someone who can do anything when she puts her mind to it! He has been such a huge help with university and at the moment he is one of 3 people I've told about me wanting to start a fresh! (long story short: i went to university: got drunk every night : ignored work: got drunk again: ignored work a bit more:which lead to: FAIL.!)very shortened version. Now i know i am determined and motivated to do well and prove to him all his investments in me were not in vain!! I respect him more than he will ever know and i love him too much!! He is one of the best dads a girl could wish for! and a massive inspiration to me.

There are other people who inspire me in life, of course my mum does, and my brother,my step dads, my best friends,and other family members, but i feel that regarding university and this chapter in my life my dad deserves the mention the more as none of the other know yet about my university mission!... god help when they find out I'm going back!!!

So yeah! My dad is an amazing man and i love him endless amounts. To the moon and back!

Wednesday 5 May 2010


Is there a limit on how many blogs a day you can post? I would say not as really no-one is even reading what i write so what does it matter!! haha That said ...Ive just found some new motivation. It came in the form of Nikki! Shes one of my friends who's studying fashion at the moment. I have decided recently i am going to go back to university after i failed the first time. This was because alls i wanted to do was party/drink all the time, whereas this time i know I'm dedicated and I've got what it takes to make it in fashion. I want to prove to myself more than anyone else that i can do it. I can do whatever i put my mind to. But yes back to the point... Nikki has been a star throughout the whole process, anyone doing a fashion degree will know how much work is involved yet shes given up so much time. Helping me put a portfolio together sorting through all the work I've done! and then helping check over my personal statement etc etc .. So even though i know you will never know I've wrote this i just want to say THANKYOU SO MUCH MRS ROGGERSON!!! your such a good friend and a fabulous inspiration! Don't we just wish all friends were like this eh!


Hrmm.. so how do you all get motivated when your feeling like you could just crawl into bed and sleep for a year!? I would seriously like to know. Any ideas will be tried!! I need a serious kick up the ass!


Tuesday 4 May 2010


These are some of the things that live inside my handbag. Not a very clear picture but i wanted to try and give you all a bit more information about me and what kind of person i am. So here it is ... the contents of my handbag at this very moment...

Lipgloss is a must! I am amazingly annoyed at the moment as the shade i use was limited edition (obviously my luck!) so after going to almost every store that sells it i have finally give up! and taken to a new brand in a similar shade by smashbox!. I always use the same fragrance by dior either miss dior cherie or j'adore. My handbag is from river island and is more sentimental as my dad bought it for me so i don't tend to change it that often. My rimmel sunshimmer tan is something ive used everyday since i was like 15! and i dont intend on changing. As you can see most of my items are pink... :D


Having a play on my apple! Be happy :)

Beauty might bring happiness, but happiness always brings beauty.

Monday 3 May 2010


I'd like to begin by saying the images i am about to use are not mine and i will reference the websites i have got them from. I have never written a blog before but decided i would use the blog to help me research and delve deeper into the fashion world. I was recently looking at the sex and the city 2 trailer when i decided to research more into PATRICIA FIELD ( which is the costume designer for both satc films. She is also known for films such as confessions of a shopaholic, ugly betty, the devil wears prada and many more. She is an Amerian based designer/stylist and her work instantly caught my attention throught all the films/series listed above.

The three images above are from different sites two are from and the other of carrie (SJP) is from that said...

The reason i have chosen to show these three images is because, as a designer myself one of my favourite things is bring something from 2d into 3d and i feel these images show my point clearly. Patricia field has illustrated her design, and then her design is being worn in an advertisement for satc2. The reason i included the mannequin image is because this is the image patricia field has used on her website. Yes ladies.. you can actually buy the carrie dress!! For only....198$
I have just found a link to a video where patricia field is talking us through some of her ideas for confessions of a shopaholic. I love her use of colour throughout the film. ...Enjoy